Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Response to Detroit and Closed Fist

This article offers a materialized rhetorical analyses of the 'Monument to Joe Louis", and how the monument reflects the cultural, class, and racial segregation of the city of Detroit. The article is divided into three sections; the first gives a background on the fist symbol, the second is on the 'agony' of Detroit and the history of that phrase, and the third details how the monument symbolically relates to the city.
What was new for me in this article was the scope of which the rhetor analyzed. The centerpiece is obviously the monument, but upon further reflection I see Detroit as the centerpiece, and the monument as an instrument. The way the author analyzed not just the urban geography but connected that with race/class tensions gave rise to a pretty substantial conclusion on how Detroit not only came to be seen in its negative lens but how it is to be moved out of that lens.

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